Embrace The Season: Perks of Moving in Fall!

Moving is not always easy. Leaving a place where you have put down roots can be tough, and the uncertainties of the new location can weigh on your mind. That said, people often move because of – work, retirement, leaving home and so many other reasons. If you need to move, summer is the most popular time, though moving in fall has its own advantages.

Why fall is perfect for Moving

Here are some of them:

  • Because May to August is the most popular time for people to move, many people think it is the best time to schedule a summer move. The period from September to April is a comparatively slack period for movers. College students are settled into their apartments and families with school-going kids have already settled in for the new school year. This means that you will have more flexibility in choosing the dates that are most convenient for you, instead of having to work around the moving company’s free dates. Contacting the moving company early will often enable you to get exactly the moving dates you want, especially if they are on weekends.
  • While moving in summer means coping with the heat, moving in winter would mean bearing with cold, rain and snow. Moving in fall you should be able to avoid extreme weather, making it less stressful for everyone involved.

    Also Read: Moving – Coping With the Stress

  • Moving in September or October would allow you to settle into your new home well in time for the holiday season. Thanksgiving and Christmas in a new home are truly special and having enough time to get the house ready and make all your holiday preparations makes it easier to create truly special holiday memories.
  • With less pressure on the moving company, there is often more flexibility in accommodating any special requirements you may have. However, remember to keep the demands reasonable – the best movers have high operating standards that they will not compromise on. Also, do not over-negotiate the rates just because it is a low-demand season. A professional moving company will only take on work that gives them a reasonable return. It is always best to trust your possessions to a reliable company.

There is one thing to watch out when moving in fall. When the summer peak moving season is over, many less established moving companies tend to take it easy and cut corners, putting your possessions and moving timetable at risk. You need to ensure that you use only a professional packing and moving company with a sterling reputation for customer service and competence. That way you can be sure that you get quality service and that your valuable possessions will be safe. Talk to a professional packing and moving company well in advance to work out the best time to schedule your move in fall.

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